Masters in Applied Islamic Thought

IPSA’s Masters in Islamic Thought (MAIT) is an NQF level 9 postgraduate specialisation qualification with a firm orientatation toward Contemporary Islamic Thought utilizing a Maqasid Al-Shari’ah  framework. The program is designed to bring together Islamic and Western, old and contemporary, traditional and critical scholarships - all within a framework of shared values.

The world today is facing unprecedented challenges, and Islam has largely been an untapped well of ideas and approaches that can potentially address them. Although Islam is the religion of roughly one quarter of the world’s population, contemporary Muslim contributions have fallen well behind its historic legacy. Moreover, core Islamic values that include unity of humanity and creation, seeking knowledge, and establishing justice, welfare and peace, have found limited expression in modern academic disciplines and their application.

To this end, and on the back of our shared vision and values, IPSA collaborated with the Maqasid Institute (MI) to build a Masters in Applied Islamic Thought (MAIT) program at IPSA, and appointed MI Director, Prof. Jasser Auda, to the Shatibi Chair of Maqasid Studies at IPSA, to ensure a joint roll-out MAIT program that emphasises the importance of a future orientation over a historical orientation, holism over simplicity, moral values over literalism, multidimensionality over binarism, reconstruction over deconstruction, and purposes over rules. Thus, the perspectives brought to bear the enterprise of Islamic studies to diverse applications to re-establish the discipline as a robust alternative to two dominant Islamic intellectual trends; literalism and critical studies.

Purpose and Scope
The primary purpose of the qualification is to enable graduates to become specialists within an interdisciplinary framework by gaining in-depth knowledge in a complex area of Islamic studies known as Maqasid Al-Shari’ah (Objectives of the Law).

A second purpose of the qualification is to provide South Africa (and other countries) with graduates who can synthesise information autonomously in specialised fields of study in order to provide leaders who can handle contradictions and evaluate highly complex problems independently.

A third purpose of the qualification is to provide South Africa (and other countries) with people who can demonstrate specialised leadership, self-reflexivity and adaptability.

To provide graduate level studies in applied ethics (within the field of Islamic Thought) in key fields of professional activity such as Economics, Law, Education, Governance, Aesthetics & Culture and the Environment.

The degree provides advanced training in the field of study including techniques of research, data analysis, and scholarly presentation appropriate to the discipline. The degree will equip the candidate with knowledge and the skills necessary either for employment in a related field (including teaching and research positions) or for further independent research toward the degree of PhD.

The MA Islamic Thought programme will be presented at the IPSA main campus in Rylands Estate by a full complement of qualified scholars.

Admission Requirements
The applicant for the MA Islamic Thought at IPSA must satisfy the requirements for a degree of this College or any other university recognised by the IPSA Council for the purpose.

Students in possession of a qualification at NQF exit level 8 in Islamic Studies, Religious Studies or a related field wherein the study of Islam was a significant component and have obtained an average of at least 60% in the final assessment of the final year.

A graduate in an area of study which the IPSA Council considers appropriate of this College or another institution recognised by the IPSA Council for this purpose may be admitted to a programme leading to the degree of Master of Arts in Applied Islamic Thought.

A student that in any other manner attained a level of competence which, in the opinion of IPSA Council, is adequate for the purpose of admission as a candidate for the degree.

In its pursuit to widen access to higher education, IPSA is committed to RPL as a means to creating further pathways to learning.


Module Name

Credits per Module

Compulsory/ Optional

Contemporary Islamic Thought



Readings in Maqasid Al-Shari’ah



Advanced Topics in Maqasid Al-Shari’ah



Holistic Methodology and Strategic Approach



Governance: An Islamic Perspective



Human Security: An Islamic Perspective



Justice and Peace Building: An Islamic Perspective



Culture and Aesthetics: An Islamic Perspective



Contemporary Muslim Societies and Organizations



Selected Topics in Applied Islamic Studies



Contemporary Islamic Law



IPSA reserves the right to limit the offering of electives based on student selections

The IPSA Masters in Islamic Thought programme is a 2 year minimum programme, with a 4year maximum. To successfully complete the MAIT programme, students are required to complete all 4 compulsory modules together with 4 elective modules, totaling 8 modules, and a dissertation of 35 000 words. To graduate from the programme, students must obtain minimum 50% in all modules and the dissertation, but a 65% minimum for consideration of further studies. The academic year is divided into two semesters with breaks during June & December.

“It is about time that the Muslim Ummah have an Islamic Studies programme that integrates true Islamic knowledge with a contemporary approach to studying natural and social realities, all within a framework of the higher objectives of Islamic jurisprudence. South Africa’s strong record of emancipation and diversity makes it the best place for such a programme.” (Prof Jasser Auda)


The Masters in Applied Islamic Thought programme is accredited by the Council of Higher Education (CHE), registered by the Registrar of Private Higher Education Institutions (PHEI) of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) of the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Other IPSA accredited offerings include the 1year Higher Certificate Islamic Studies, the 3year Bachelor of Arts Islamic Studies, and the BA Honours Islamic Studies programmes.

Our Commitment

IPSA is committed to ensuring that our programmes are accessible to all South Africans irrespective of circumstance. Our commitment extends to the continuous  evaluation and improvement of the IPSA programmes, services and facilities available to our students. IPSA aims to establish a world-class Islamic Tertiary Institution, which will empower our communities and build a legacy the Muslim community of South Africa can be proud of.

Regulatory Note
The International Peace College South Africa (IPSA) is provisionally registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training until 31/12/2021, in terms of the Higher Education Act of 1997, as amended. An application for full registration, required by law, had been lodged with the DHET during 2015.

Connect with us

Cnr of Johnston & Duine Road,
Rylands Estate 7764,  Cape Town,
South Africa.
PO Box 38316, Gatesville, 7766

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