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Who Are We
In 2005 the International Peace College South Africa (IPSA), celebrated its inauguration at an historic occasion of a joint graduation of merging partners - the former Islamic College Southern Africa (ICOSA) and the Darul Arqam Islamic Institute.
Today, IPSA is the first Islamic institution registered by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) in South Africa offering accredited programmes, a BA and Higher Certificate in Islamic Studies, Bachelor of Arts Honours in Islamic Studies, and Master of Arts in Applied Islamic Thought .
Since its inception, IPSA has taken an active interest in the development of Islamic Scholarship and Research at a national level. Its commitment in this area is demonstrated by the range of programmes it offers, these include:
The Higher Certificate in Islamic Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies, and Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in Islamic Studies.
In addition to this, IPSA also conducts numerous public programmes and engages in on-going efforts to develop new relevant academic offerings serving society in general, in particular the Muslim community. IPSA is launching a special Chair and the School of Maqasid Studies to meet the growing demand for authentic research and post graduate programmes within the Muslim community.
- contributes to revitalizing the intellectual and spiritual dynamism of the Muslim Community as exemplified by the Qur’anic principle of wasatiyyah (the middle-way) and demonstrated in a rich legacy of scholarship spanning more than 1400 years;
- promotes the authentic and historically grounded expression of Islam in South Africa - a heritage which comprises more than 350 years of integration to context whilst consciously mitigating the perils of assimilation and isolation; and
- prepares students and academics to play a meaningful and catalytic role in contributing towards the creation of a just social order in South Africa and the world.
- Knowledge: create an environment that promotes and encourages the generation of knowledge and scholastic research that is focused on contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of communities and nations through mutual respect.
- Virtues: promote education and scholastic research across disciplines and discourses which add value to the fostering and protection of the dignity of humanity and respect that ensures equity and reduce discrimination in all aspects.
- Civilization: promote scholastic and practical research and publications that contribute to the development of good governance and global citizenship that permeates tolerance through collective understanding and communication.