Sh M. Ighaan Taliep
Sheigh Moegamat Ighsaan Taliep is the Chief Director of Academic Affairs of IPSA. He has been with IPSA and Darul Arqam Institute (before the merger with ICOSA to form IPSA) in the position of Principal and Deputy Principal since 1995. Prior to that he has been a trainee accountant before leaving for Saudi Arabia to pursue his Islamic studies.
Sheigh M. Ighsaan has completed his BA (Hons) in Islamic Law with the Islamic University of Medina 1995, went on to complete his B.Com (Law) with UWC in 2995 and completed the Master of Comparative Law (MCL) with the International Islamic University of Malaysia in 2009.
Sheigh M. Ighsaan is the President of The United Ulema Council of South Africa, which is a coordinating body of Ulema of South Africa. He was also the 2nd Deputy President of the Muslim Judicial Council from 2005 to 2011.
Sheigh M. Ighsaan has been championing the case of Muslim Personal which is very passionate about.