Belqes Al-Sowaidi
Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies
Belqes Al-Sowaidi is an associate professor of Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies with 19 years of extensive experience across various domains, including Ou’ranic Linguistics, Pedagogy, Translation Studies, and Interpreting Studies, Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (TAFL) and Curriculum Design. Prof Belqes is dedicated to adopting new trends in Education Technology (EdTech) and exploring diverse modes of teaching and learning, including e-learning, blended and distance learning across the humanities.
Her research interests are diverse, focusing on interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary studies in language and linguistics, Islamic Studies, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), Women's Studies, Comparative and World Literature, Technology in Education, and Computer-aided Translation Technology. Prof. Belqes is the editor of AL-WASAṬYYAH: IPSA Journal of Islamic Studies and she serves as a reviewer for some peer-reviewed indexed journals. She has supervised and examined numerous PhD and MA theses in the fields of Translation Studies, Interpretation Studies, Islamic Studies, Linguistics, and Education.
Prof Belqes was the HOD of the Translation Department in the Faculty of Languages & Translation at Taiz University from 2014 until 2019 in Taiz University, Yemen. She is currently the HOD of the Undergraduate Department (Arabic & Islamic Studies) at the International Peace College South Africa (IPSA) in Cape Town. She has held various institutional leadership roles and participated in numerous community outreach events. She is recognized as a sworn translator in both Arabic and English by the High Court of South Africa.