Student life

Many students enter college expecting only good times, having new experiences, building friendships, and exploring their emerging sense of independence. However, they soon find out that college comes with a different set of challenges and struggles. College life, as with all aspects of higher education, has many demands and holds high expectations in terms of dedication, ensuring proper time-management and maintaining a well

-balanced student lifestyle. The demands on a student’s time are often further intensified when students are trying to balance a full time job, raise children, and have a social life. The realities of doing many different things with very little time can become overwhelming.

The daily tasks of working and meeting the demands of job obligations can leave a college student exhausted and sometimes they may also feel discouraged. There are a limited number of students who work full time jobs and attend college full time. Others may work late hours and still try to fit in all of the required tasks of college and work into one day. Students often find themselves more exhausted when they are trying to schedule tasks, because there just does not seem to be enough time in one day. Putting in long hours and worrying about class schedules adds stress to a student life. In addition to this, some students may have family and other home responsibilities. This may add to the burden of managing, balancing and prioritizing one’s time between the rigors of study and family time commitments. The sacrifices in pursuing one’s studies are therefore also shouldered by other family members as well.

College students are often left with no personal time, and must learn to manage a job and family life. Student life however, has many rewards for those that manage and prioritize their time well enough.

To this end IPSA offers students a wide variety of academic and extra curricula activities to participate in, support and benefit from. All our activities are strategically formulated to inspire the student’s spiritual, moral and ethical development, while also affording them an opportunity to socialize, broaden their interests and experiences as well as cementing their contributions towards community upliftment. So whether you like planning events, volunteering, debating, or prefer doing something more spiritual such as participating in dhikrs and qaṣā’id, or getting involved  in environmental or communal projects, there is something for everyone. If not, IPSA welcomes and encourages

its student body to develop and organize their own innovative and worthwhile ideas provided these are Sharī`ah compliant. Participating in events and student activities at IPSA provides students with an opportunity to develop their leadership capacities within a variety of areas, such as the IPSA Students Association, Community Outreach Council, Seminar and Events planning support, and other organizations. Through these structures, the College endeavors to provide its students with an opportunity to contribute to the management of the College.

Some of the IPSA student activities held in 2014, and planned for 2015 include Mawlūd celebration, Student Outings, Hikes, Dhikrs, Additional Lectures, Seminars and Workshops. Growing a sustainable garden, hosting a student blog site, and producing some creative artworks.


Academic Support Activities
Library Period, Additional Writing and Research Assistance

In addition to the library services and set course work on research methodology, students may require further assistance in navigating through, planning and writing up their research assignments, IPSA has a team of academic assistants to offer individual support where needed.


Tutors with specific subject content expertise help to reinforce and support students with work covered in lectures. Tutorials form part of the weekly timetable, however individual tutorials are also offered where necessary.

Additional Lectures, Seminars and Workshops

IPSA holds a number of annual symposia, seminars and workshops throughout the academic year and also hosts a number of international scholars and field experts as special guest speakers at IPSA. These forums form an essential part of IPSA’s overall learning programme and also support students’ academic experiences by expanding their knowledge repertoires.

IPSA/ iLABS Global Leadership and Life Orientation (Growing a sustainable garden, hosting a student blog site, and producing some creative artworks)

In August 2013 the IPSA and iLABS –Learning across borders established a partnership to develop     the Global Leadership and Life Orientation (GLO) Course. The course formed part of the IPSA Higher Certificate in Islamic Studies (HCIS) Programme. The HCIS programme facilitates a space for youth who have just completed matric and want to take a year to enrich their lives, get to grips with their Islām, consolidate a strong Islamic identity, and develop the needed life skills before pursuing their studies and careers. The programme also creates scaffolding to many who want to embark on IPSA’s Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies (BAIS) Degree, but does not necessarily have the requirements.

The GLO course is developed on a model of gender equitability that is also sensitive to race, age and cultural background. The material used in the course both visually and textually reflect this approach as does ILabs coordinators’ pedagogy. ILabs makes it their duty to introduce women role models as there

are so many examples of men to draw from. From Shaykhah Munira, Leader of the Qubeysi Movement to Tawakul Karman the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize winner; from Olympic female archers to women boxers and from Maryam al-Astrulabi to Nana Asma’u of the Sokoto Caliphate.

The first semester tackles personal knowledge and personal management to start guiding students on their personal trajectories as vicegerents of our Rabb. Rasūlullāh (SAW) has advised this methodology of starting with self-discovery, as he indicated that those who do not know themselves, cannot know Allāh.

The GLO programme also covers areas that enhance and develop writing, our role in society, planning for the future. The second semester focuses on stewardship, connecting with the community and creating a better environment. Thus, with a change of pace and a change of style, the second semester tackles these objectives theoretically and practically at the IPSA Campus. The outcome was phenomenal: A gourmet garden was established, The IPSide Edge blog is operational and the calligraphically expressive paintings are exhibited. The experience of working with our youth is invaluable, especially when we witness the growth that takes shape in them.

Student Cafeteria
IPSA has a cafeteria that can comfortably host up to 90 students. The cafeteria is open throughout the week during college hours, and serves fresh treats daily for purchase.

 Extra- Curricular Activities
Mawlūd al- Nabī

Muslims globally commemorate the birth of the final Prophet, Nabī Muḥammad (SAW). Celebrating the Mawlūd al- Nabī is considered an expression of love, honour and respect for the greatest of Allah’s (SWT) creation. Believers feel indebted and blessed with the safety of the guidance and teachings of Muḥammad (SAW). This guidance and teachings are found in his birth, life and message as portrayed in the Sīrah (Prophetic History) and ah̟ādīth (Prophetic narrations). Muslims aim to emulate him (SAW) and adhere to his teachings, and they come together throughout the year to celebrate his birth and send salutations upon him (SAW), but more specifically during the month of his blessed birth.

The IPSA Mawlid is an annual event planned and managed by the lecturers and IPSA student body.

IPSA Graduation

IPSA hosts its annual graduation ceremony around February or March. The graduation ceremony is a rather grand affair with many of South Africa’s renowned academics, community activists or leaders delivering the keynote address. Past keynote addresses have been delivered by Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool; Dr Samuel Isaacs (SAQA); Haroon Kalla; Advocate Abu Bakr Mohamed; Dr Anwar Nagia; and recently by Dr Nuraan Davids (US).

IPSA also, annually, at the graduation ceremony honours an Islamic Scholar or community activist by presenting them with a lifetime achievement award. Past recipients of this award have been; the late Shaykh Abdurraghiem Hasan Sallie; Shaykh Moegammat Armien Fakier; the late Shaykh Ismail Hanief Edwards; and recently the late Shaykh Muhammad Salie Dien.

The ceremony celebrates the conferral of students’ certificates and honours their achievement throughout their academic career at IPSA.

Student Outings and Hikes

IPSA encourages the students to arrange at least two student outings for the year. These outings serve as an opportunity for students to socialize in a more relaxed, but modest, atmosphere away from the classrooms. It also serves as an opportunity for students to get in touch with nature and the Cape Muslim Heritage. Past outings have included hikes, paint-ball adventures and visits to the karamats around the Cape Peninsula.

IPSA Social relations Policy
In addition to IPSA’s general rules of conduct the following guidelines with regards to gender relations will apply at IPSA:

a)  All students are required to respect and adhere to Islamic considerations of moral and ethical behaviour, these include general courtesy to fellow students and staff in both  speech and action.  The use of profanity, public displays of affection, intimidation, littering, graffiti and the destruction, disrespect or harming of the institution’s and students’ property or person are not allowed.

b)  IPSA encourages and promotes healthy, friendly relationships amongst its student body, however these need to be in consideration of and comply with Islamic rules of modesty and other social conventions. Whilst IPSA does not apply strict gender segregation rules, as this is contrary to the development of healthy social relations, the free and unrestricted intermingling of males and females outside of what might be necessary for learning and academic purposes is not allowed.

c)  Although IPSA holds no jurisdiction over students’ activities outside of its premises, IPSA considers its student body to be representative of the institution’s values and ethics, as well as its code of ethics as guided by the Qur’ān and Sunnah, therefore all students are expected to uphold these values outside of the institution as well. All students should desist from partaking in activities, frequenting places and promoting media that is characterized as and considered to be un-Islamic, these include all activities related to social media postings, slandering & defamation of any kind, gambling, pornography, drugs, alcohol and such activities that fall within this ambit.

Failure to adhere to any of the above rules of conduct will incur a penalty and/or invoke grounds for expulsion.

At IPSA, we believe knowledge and virtue are inseparable. One of the key virtues and values of our Islamic Civilization is modesty, particularly in the intermingling of the sexes. We at IPSA believe that both

absolute segregation of the sexes and absolutely unrestricted intermingling are contrary to the spirit of Islām and unhealthy for humanity in general, and students in particular. We however, more importantly believe that students need to focus on their studies and academic endeavours, and thus, any distractions are to be eliminated or minimized.

Therefore, it is our policy here that while we uphold mixed-gender classes (with males and females seated on opposite sides of the room), no socializing between the sexes is allowed outside of class. Phenomena such as sitting next to each other, studying together, pursuing romantic relationships with fellow students, or any form of physical interaction between the sexes is strictly prohibited. Any necessary interaction must take place within the bounds of Islamic codes of decency and honour. Both males and females are to be dressed modestly and appropriately at all times, on campus and off- campus. Prescribed rules for dress whilst at IPSA is found in the Student’s Handbook.

If one is unclear on any aspect of our Code of Conduct, then they may enquire from the ER Office. Violation of our Code of Conduct may result in expulsion from Class, Campus or College.

Code of Conduct: General

As an Institute based on the values of Islām, IPSA prohibits the usage of any Islamically prohibited items on its own campus. Staff, Students and visitors to IPSA are strictly prohibited from using, possessing, distributing, or promoting cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, drugs and pornographic material at the IPSA‘s campus, its residential facilities, or its social events. Any student found in violation of this policy may be expelled from IPSA. Any illegal acts may be referred to the police for prosecution.

Code of Conduct: Off-Campus

We believe that a Muslim should have one set of values for all places and all times. One cannot be studying the Dīn at the campus, and violating its moral teachings outside the campus. Based on this, we prohibit our students from visiting bars, discos, casinos, or other places where actions prohibited in Islām are the primary activity. Action will be taken against students who are reported to frequent such places, after an investigation is done. Any form of indecent behaviour outside of campus will be taken as seriously as that within campus. IPSA students are to be dignified members of society at all times.

Connect with us

Cnr of Johnston & Duine Road,
Rylands Estate 7764,  Cape Town,
South Africa.
PO Box 38316, Gatesville, 7766

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